Sunday, September 21, 2008


This took a really long time to write.
I think it was 8 months in total.
Please tell me what you think.

Gallant advent
Avant guardian

When we're all so beautiful
who'll make change in face and names?
Transient, passive
Pass through trust and null embrace
Brace the constants that lay waste to us all

I swore remembrance
To prevent ever staring distance
But still the stale air keeps me from you.
Continuing through veils of grace
and hapless passion.
to smile dumb and feign reflection
I am here to beget complexion
Holding tight and never letting go.
I feel that grip
Coldly glide light fingers
over heart and mind and soul
shake the roots of my throat
and lungs and spine
If i could only work the courage to explain
Shake the grounds this house was built on.
From the tired, sick and homeless men
which stand fortunes from being saved.
problems which are lives from being solved
Oh such flags are waved
bringing upon our righteousness as burdened dead
our dais is breaking under weight of sick resolve
Maxima debetur puero reverentia.
We are not our father's sons
Speaking sins with penitent mouths
will lead you only to the cross you've made
if your hands are red with creations blood
I'll let you hang as picture frames
Smile thieves. Bright and honorless.
Trying best to save while others die
you flash white teeth to those who nod,
and sharpened red to those denied

Taking up your wings of science
mask your hearts in tired silence
peace be with you sons of violence
will we be killed or shall we triumph?

Monday, September 08, 2008

"It's hard to know where we should go...

When home is too far away, here is a hollow place."

    title="Wordle: this is it">    src=""
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd">

these are all the lyrics and poems I've written in a few years.

this program takes ones used most often (and in context of emphasis) and arranges them in this specific order.

It's kind of odd to see it this way.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

When it's time to eat a meal, I rob and steal.

Cause Mon Dukes ain't giving me shit so for the bread and butter I leave niggas in the gutter..

Monday, September 01, 2008

Levee Get A Dolla?

So, Ok, Why the fuck is everyone so nervous about a gay hurricane?

It's labor day... we should all just act like the Republicans and cancel everything and pretend that shit will sort itself out, right?

And why is Hurricane Katrina being brought up again????

I mean it was a great act of God that taught the entire state of Louisiana to swim.
But I see... we are in the midsts of dealing with another Category ranked hurricane... and that means more money to be spent with the money we dont have in the first place...

And a fiscal issue during a fiscal crisis means two things:

Niggas dead
White People not giving a shit.

"We are seeing some overtopping waves, we are cautiously optimistic and confident that we won't see catastrophic wall failure."
-Col. Jeff Bedey, commander of the Army Corps of Engineer's hurricane protection office.

Ok Turbo Tough Guy
Don't make white people look stupid again.

I also would like to point out this is why old rich white dudes give young broke white dudes an image problem.

I mean I firmly believe all white people look alike too but there is a separation at a certain point it being the care of fellow man.
How do rich white people show they care about one another?

Money.. Just look at J.G Wentworth

I have but one tidbit of information that really is the end all be all of this article.
I have no more quips.
I have no more jokes.
Just a sad dose of reality and a surefire foreshadow of things to come in lieu of Gustav...

look at this number and it will answer the aforementioned Katrina questions:

829,000,000 is only 1/3 of 2,487,000,000


Louisiana received $829,000,000 of the $2,487,000,000 it requested for state clean-up, insurance assistance and rebuilding commencement following Hurricane Katrina.

Skeletons are still being fished out, found and tossed.

Now look at this:

What are you going to do to help?

Fuck Me Running: Bristol Palin Pounds!

Vice Presidential Sarah Palin and Family

The beautiful Sarah Palin. V.P.-able, fuck-able, maybe even vote-able. Based on her lunatic like demeanor and crazy watch-me-shove-a-coat-hanger-in-your-urethra like stare, she has made the McCain party look more youthful and bold and more like a Cialis commercial. I scoured and raped the Internet of all its resources to try to find that naked Sara Palin picture… I came across a couple of her in a bathing suit but really what I wanted is that gem. I wanted to be the motherfucker who found the motherfucker who has Palin twat shots… But all my sources failed.

Even the notorious Pichunter has left me limp and loathing on a laptop of lost lust.
It’s not that I want to toss my junk juice to this shit (not that I wouldn’t) but I would rather be the one distributing those pictures… The guy every assemblyman and congressman comes to get the scandalous photographs of our maybe Vice President… Yet I was left high and dry.

Until this morning…
Yes, this morning I awoke to the most joyous news!

It seems the Palin family has taken a turn for the worst. Only a couple days on the ticket and Sarah already has jumped on the shame train. Bristol Palin, 17 year old daughter of Vice Presidential Candidate, Sarah Palin is fucking pregnant and is keeping the little mistake AND is forcing the little shit of a father (who has yet to be named in any AP release) to MARRY into the family. That's an awesome setup for that kid. I mean he has to keep a kid but gets incredible amounts of money and might possibly be the son-in-law of the Vice President of the United States of America. I'd take that even if that, in itself, is some truly funny shit.

It's not as if we didn't see some form of ridiculous ebbing its way out of the Palin closet. She lives in a state which is largely democratic and conservationist... yet she was chosen by McCain as his V.P. Candidate... I think it's because her and her daughter are for Offshore drilling and are for Domestic violence... which brings me to my next piece entitled:

Levee Get A Dolla?
(check the link tomorrow)